home > eDESDE-LTC TOOLKIT > eDESDE-LTC Coding and Classification System > Coding List
The DESDE-LTC Coding List provides a list of descriptors associated to DESDE-LTC codes or labels. Every label corresponds with a decimal identifier in the classification system. It allows a quick search by DESDE-LTC codes
The coding branches are:
Facilities whose main aim is to provide information and assessment to users with long term care needs. This care does not entail a subsequent monitoring/follow-up of the user.
I1: Guidance and Assessment. Facilities that offer professional assessment and guidance.
I1.1: Guidance and Assessment, Health-related.
I1.2: Guidance and Assessment, Educational related.
I1.3: Guidance and Assessment, Social and culture related.
I1.4: Guidance and Assessment, Other (non work) related.
I1.5: Guidance and Assessment, Work-related.
I2: Information. Facilities intended exclusively to provide information to users with long term care needs.
I2.1: Information, Interactive. Information facilities where information exchange requires an interaction between the user (person with long term care need) and the professional.
I2.1.1: Information, Interactive, Face to face. Information facilities intended to inform users with long term care needs in a face to face interaction.
I2.1.2: Information, Interactive, Other Interactive. Information facilities intended to inform users with long term care needs through information technologies.
I2.2: Information, Non interactive. Information facilities aimed at informing users with long term care needs where there is no interaction with the user and/or where information is not updated on a monthly base.
Facilities whose main aim (Main Type of Care- MTC) is to provide accessibility aids for users with long term care needs.
A1: Communication. Facilities which main aim is to facilitate the access to information.
A2: Physical mobility. Facilities which main aim is to facilitate the physical mobility of users with long term care needs.
A3: Personal accompaniment. Facilities which main aim is to facilitate the paid personal accompaniment by non-care professionals of users with long term care needs.
A4: Case coordination. Facilities which main aim is to facilitate the care coordination and the related accessibility to different types of services, professionals and tests by users with long term care needs.
A5: Other accessibility care. Intended to facilitate the access to care which do not include any type of direct care provision.
The aim of these facilities is to provide users with long term care needs with support, self-help or contact, with un-paid staff that offers accessibility, information, day, outpatient and residential care (as described in other branches).
S1: NON-PROFESSIONAL STAFF. Self-help and voluntary facilities where professionals providing assessment, interventions or support to users with long term care needs are below 60% of the total personnel. The 100% of the staff is unpaid.
S1.1: Non-professional staff, Information on Care. Self-help and voluntary facilities where professionals providing information on care to users with long term care needs are below 60% of the total personnel. The 100% of the staff is unpaid.
S1.2: Non-professional staff, Accessibility to Care. As in S1.1 except that these facilities provide accessibility to care.
S1.3: Non-professional staff, Outpatient Care. As in S1.1 except that these facilities (i) involve contact between the staff and users with long term care needs and its associated clinical and social difficulties and (ii) is not provided as a part of delivery of residential or day and structured activity services, as defined above.
S1.4: Non-professional staff, Day Care. As in S1.1 except that these facilities (i) are normally available to several users at a time (rather than delivering services to individuals one at a time); (ii) provide some combination of treatment for problems related to persons with Long-Term care needs: structured activity, social contact and/or support; (iii) have regular opening hours during which it is normally available: and (iv) expect patients to stay at the facilities beyond the periods during which they have face-to-face contact with staff (i.e. the service is not simply based on patients coming for appointments with staff and then leaving immediately after their appointments).
S1.5: Non-professional staff, Residential Care. As in S1.1 except that these facilities provide beds overnight for users for a purpose related to the clinical and social management of their long term care needs - users are not intended to sleep there solely because they have no home or are unable to reach home.
S2: PROFESSIONAL STAFF. Self-help and voluntary facilities designed for users with long term care needs that regularly at least 60% of staff are trained or specifically qualified for providing assessment, intervention and support to users with long term care needs. The 100% of the staff is un-paid.
S2.1: Professional staff, Information on Care. As in S1.1 except that at least 60% of staff is trained or specifically qualified.
S2.2: Professional staff, Accessibility to Care. As in S1.2 except that at least 60% of staff is trained or specifically qualified.
S2.3: Professional staff, Outpatient Care. As in S1.3 except that at least 60% of staff is trained or specifically qualified.
S2.4: Professional staff, Day Care. As in S1.4 except that at least 60% of staff is trained or specifically qualified.
S2.5: Professional staff, Residential Care. As in S1.5 except that at least 60% of staff is trained or specifically qualified.
These are facilities which (i) involve contact between staff and users for some purpose related to management of their condition and its associated clinical and social difficulties and (ii) are not provided as a part of delivery of residential or day services, as defined above.
O1: Acute, Home & Mobile, 24-h. Emergency facilities (i) provide assessment and initial treatment in response to a crisis, deterioration in physical or mental state, behaviour or social functioning which is related to the condition; and (ii) can usually provide a same day response during working hours. In Home & mobile services, contact with patients occurs in a range of settings including patients’ homes, as judged most appropriate by professionals and patients. For a service to be classified as ‘home & mobile’, at least 50% of contacts should take place away from the premises at which the service is based. If mobile care is provided at least for 20% of contacts a secondary mobile code should be added to the MTC Non-mobile code. In other cases of mobile outpatient care an additional qualifier “d” could be provided to describe its mobile activity. For some services, the main site of provision may vary from day to day (e.g. services in rural areas which move from village to village) – this does not mean they should be classified as ‘home & mobile’ unless staff go and do work at locations away from that day’s main site. 24-hours are services which are available 24 hours a day, 7 days per week.
O1.1: Acute, Home & Mobile, 24 hours, Health-related care. As in O1 except that main goal of these facilities is the specific clinical care, during the period described by the code, and where some of the staff is qualified health care professionals (Medicine, Nursing, Physiotherapy, Rehabilitation Medicine and Psychology).
O1.2: Acute, Home & Mobile, 24 hours, Other care. As in O1 except that these facilities do not meet the criteria for health-related care services.
O2: Acute, Home & Mobile, Limited-Hours. As in O1 except that these services are not always available (opening hours less than 24 hours, 7 days per week).
O2.1: Acute, Home & Mobile, Limited-Hours, Health-related care. As in O1.1 except that these services are not always available (opening hours less than 24 hours, 7 days per week).
O2.2: Acute, Home & Mobile, Limited-Hours, Other care. As in O1.2 except that these services are not always available (opening hours less than 24 hours, 7 days per week).
O3: Acute, Non-mobile, 24-h. As in O.1 except that these services do not meet the criteria for ‘Home & mobile’.
O3.1: Acute, Non-mobile, 24-h, Health-related care. As in O1.1 except that these services do not meet the criteria for ‘Home & mobile’.
O3.2: Acute, Non-mobile, 24-h, Other care. As in O1.2 except that these services do not meet the criteria for ‘Home & mobile’.
O4: Acute, Non-mobile, Limited-hours. As in O2 except that these services do not meet the criteria for ‘Home & mobile’.
O4.1: Acute, Non-mobile, Limited-hours, Health-related care. As in O2.1 except that these services do not meet the criteria for ‘Home & mobile’.
O4.2: Acute, Non-mobile, Limited-hours, Other care. As in O2.2 except that these services do not meet the criteria for ‘Home & mobile’.
O5: Non-acute, Home & Mobile, High intensity. These facilities provide service users with continuing care including regular contact with a health professional, which may be long term if required. For a service to be classified as ‘home & mobile’, at least 50% of contacts should take place away from the premises at which the service is based. If mobile care is provided at least for 20% of contacts a secondary mobile code should be added to the MTC Non-mobile code. For some services, the main site of provision may vary from day to day (e.g. services in rural areas which move from village to village) – this does not mean they should be classified as ‘home & mobile’ unless staff go and do work at locations away from that day’s main site. These are facilities which have the capacity to make face to face contact with users at least three times per week when clinically indicated.
O5.1: Non-acute, Home & Mobile, High intensity, Health-related care. As in O5 except that main goal of these facilities is the specific clinical care, during the period described by the code, and where some of the staff is a qualified health care professional (Medicine, Nursing, Physiotherapy, Rehabilitation Medicine, Psychology).
O5.1.1: Non-acute, Home & Mobile, High intensity, Health-related care, 3/6 days/week. As in O5.1 except that these facilities offer their users a specific clinical care with a frequency lower than 7 days/week 3 hours/day.
O5.1.2: Non-acute, Home & Mobile, High intensity, Health-related care, 7 days/week. As in O5.1 except that these facilities offer their users a specific clinical care with a frequency at least 7 days/week 3 hours/day.
O5.1.3: Non-acute, Home & Mobile, High intensity, Health-related care, 7d/w including overnight. As in O5.1 except that these facilities offer their users a specific clinical care with a frequency of 7 days/week including overnight.
O5.2: Non-acute, Home & Mobile, High intensity, Other care. As in O5.1 except that these facilities do not meet the criteria for health-related care services.
O5.2.1: Non-acute, Home & Mobile, High intensity, Other care, 3/6 days/week. As in O5.1.1 except that these facilities do not meet the criteria for health-related care services.
O5.2.2: Non-acute, Home & Mobile, High intensity, Other care, 7 days/week. As in O5.1.2 except that these facilities do not meet the criteria for health-related care services.
O5.2.3: Non-acute, Home & Mobile, High intensity, Other care, 7d/w including overnight. As in O5.1.3 except that these facilities do not meet the criteria for health-related care services.
O6: Non-acute, Home & Mobile, Medium intensity. As in O5 except that these services do not have the capacity to supply three times weekly contact to patients, but which can provide contacts at least once a fortnight when indicated.
O6.1: Non-acute, Home & Mobile, Medium intensity, Health-related care. As in O6 except that main goal of these facilities is the specific clinical care, during the period described by the code, and where some of the staff is qualified on health care (Medicine, Nursing, Physiotherapy, Rehabilitation Medicine and Psychology).
O6.2: Non-acute, Home & Mobile, Medium intensity, Other care. As in O6 except that these facilities do not meet the criteria for health-related care services.
O7: Non-acute, Home & Mobile, Low intensity. As in O5 except that these services do not have the capacity to see patients as often as once a fortnight.
O7.1: Non-acute, Home & Mobile, Low intensity, Health-related care. As in O7 except that main goal of these facilities is the specific clinical care, during the period described by the code, and where some of the staff is qualified on health care (Medicine, Nursing, Physiotherapy, Rehabilitation Medicine and Psychology).
O7.2: Non-acute, Home & Mobile, Low intensity, Other care. As in O7 except that these facilities do not meet the criteria for health-related care services.
O8: Non-acute, Non-mobile, High intensity. As in O5 except that these services do not meet the criteria for ‘Home & mobile’.
O8.1: Non-acute, Non-mobile, High intensity, Health-related care. As in O8 except that main goal of these facilities is the specific clinical care, during the period described by the code, and where some of the staff is qualified on health care (Medicine, Nursing, Physiotherapy, Rehabilitation Medicine and Psychology).
O8.2: Non-acute, Non-mobile, High intensity, Other care. As in O8 except that these facilities do not meet the criteria for health-related care services.
O9: Non-acute, Non-mobile, Medium intensity. As in O6 except that these services do not meet the criteria for ‘Home & mobile’.
O9.1: Non-acute, Non-mobile, Medium intensity, Health-related care. As in O9 except that main goal of these facilities is the specific clinical care, during the period described by the code, and where some of the staff is qualified on health care (Medicine, Nursing, Physiotherapy, Rehabilitation Medicine and Psychology).
O9.2: Non-acute, Non-mobile, Medium intensity, Other care. As in O9 except that these facilities do not meet the criteria for health-related care services.
O10: Non-acute, Non-mobile, Low intensity. As in O7 except that these services do not meet the criteria for ‘Home & mobile’.
O10.1: Non-acute, Non-mobile, Low intensity, Health-related care. As in O10 except that main goal of these facilities is the specific clinical care, during the period described by the code, and where some of the staff is qualified on health care (Medicine, Nursing, Physiotherapy, Rehabilitation Medicine and Psychology).
O10.2: Non-acute, Non-mobile, Low intensity, Other care. As in O10 except that these facilities do not meet the criteria for health-related care services.
These are facilities that (i) are normally available to several users at a time (rather than delivering services to individuals one at a time); (ii) provide some combination of treatment for problems related to long-term care needs: e.g. providing a structured activity, or social contact and/or support; (iii) have regular opening hours during which they are normally available: and (iv) expect service users to stay at the facilities beyond the periods during which they have face-to-face contact with staff (i.e. the service is not simply based on individuals coming for appointments with staff and then leaving immediately after their appointments). The care delivery is usually planned in advance.
D0.1: Acute, Episodic, High intensity. Facilities that usually provide high intensity acute day care to patients with a deterioration of their health state on a single or a limited number of episodes of care during a defined period of time. The care episode last less than 24 hours and the user is admitted and discharged during the same day. The care episode includes complex and coordinated care activities such as diagnosis and assessment, interventions, and other type of health care which require highly trained professional staff and which is not limited to a single face-to-face contact such as in planned outpatient care.
D0.2: Acute, Episodic, Other intensity. Facilities that usually provide episodic acute care but which do not fulfil high intensity criteria.
D1.1: Acute, Continuous, High intensity. Acute facilities where (i) users are regularly admitted because of a crisis or a deterioration in physical or mental state, behaviour or social functioning related to their health condition; (ii) alleviating this crisis/deterioration is the main purpose of the facility; (iii) Care is provided on a continuous base –non episodic, at least 5 days a week- during a limited period of time. These day facilities are organised to provide an alternative to hospitalisation or to accelerate discharge from inpatient units before the crisis is ended or the user is stable. Admission to the facility is usually available within 72 hours. At least 20% of the users in the last twelve months are admitted within 72 hours.
D1.2: Acute, Continuous, Other intensity. As in D1.1 except that admission to the facility is usually available within less than 4 weeks for user discharged from an acute unit (R2 or R3). At least 80% of the users in the last twelve months are admitted.
D2: Non-acute, Work, High intensity. Day care facilities that do not meet criteria for acute care for crisis. Work facilities provide users with the opportunity to work for pay. These are usually sheltered work services or opportunities on the open labour market. High intensity facilities are available for patients to attend for at least the equivalent of four half days per week. Not all the patients need attend as frequently as this for the service to be classified as ‘high intensity’, but it should at least be possible for them to do so.
D2.1: Non-acute, Work, High intensity, Ordinary employment. As in D2 except that these are facilities where users with registered disabilities are paid at least the official minimum wage and the organisation follows standard work regulations in the open market. Where there is no minimum wage, DESDE-LTC suggest calculating an expected level based on starting salaries for similar jobs advertised in the local press over the past month.
D2.2: Non-acute, Work, High intensity, Other work. As in D2 except that these are facilities where the organisation follows specific work regulations for users with registered disabilities. Employees are paid at least 50% of the usual local minimum wage for this form of work. Where there is no minimum wage, we suggest calculating an expected level based on starting salaries for similar jobs advertised in the local press over the past month. The work may be in a sheltered setting or in a setting where some workers are not users with Long-Term Care needs.
D3: Non-acute, Work-related care, High intensity. As in D2 except that these are services where users carry out an activity which closely resembles work for which payment would be expected in the open market, but where users are not paid or are paid less than 50% of the usual local expected wage for this form of work. Where there is no minimum wage, we suggest calculating an expected level based on starting salaries for similar jobs advertised in the local press over the past month.
D3.1: Non-acute, Work-related care, High intensity, Time-limited. As in D3 except that these are facilities where users perform a work-related activity that has a time limit.
D3.2: Non-acute, Work-related care, High intensity, Time-indefinite. As in D3 except that these are facilities where users carry out a work-related activity that does not have a fixed time limit.
D4: Non-acute, Non-work structured care, High intensity. As in D2 except that these services provide structured activities different from work and work-related care. Such activities may include skills training, creative activities such as art or music and group work. These activities should be available during at least 25% of the service’s opening hours.
D4.1: Non-acute, Non-work structured care, High intensity, Health-related care. As in D.4 except that these facilities meet the criteria for programmed availability day care whose main function is to provide clinical long term care (physical, psychological and/or social). At least 20% of the staff is qualified health professionals.
D4.2: Non-acute, Non-work structured care, High intensity, Education-related care. As in D.4 except that these facilities offer training registered and approved as part of the official national or regional education and training system, with an official curriculum.
D4.3: Non-acute, Non-work structured care, High intensity, Social and cultural related care. As in D.4 except that these facilities offer structured activities related to social and culture participation.
D4.4: Non-acute, Non-work structured care, High intensity, Other non-work structured care. As in D.4 except that these facilities do not meet criteria for “health promotion, education or social and culture participation activities” which offer some kind of structured activity.
D5: Non-acute, Non-structured care, High intensity. As in D.2 except that, although these services fulfil the criteria for non-acute day services, but where work or other structured activities are not available, or available only during less than 25% of opening hours, so that the main functions of the service are the provision of social contact, practical help and/or support.
D6: Non-acute, Work, Low intensity. As in D2 except that in these facilities patients usually attend for less than the equivalent of four half days per week.
D6.1: Non-acute, Work, Low intensity, Ordinary employment. As in D2.1 except that in these facilities users usually attend for less than the equivalent of four half days per week.
D6.2: Non-acute, Work, Low intensity, Other work. As in D2.2 except that in these facilities users usually attend for less than the equivalent of four half days per week.
D7: Non-acute, Work-related care, Low intensity. As in D3 except that these are facilities where patients usually attend for less than the equivalent of four half days per week.
D7.1: Non-acute, Work-related care, Low intensity, Time-limited. As in D3.1 except that these are facilities where patients usually attend for less than the equivalent of four half days per week.
D7.2: Non-acute, Work-related care, Low intensity, Time-indefinite. As in D3.2 except that these are facilities where patients usually attend for less than the equivalent of four half days per week.
D8: Non-acute, Non-work structured care, Low intensity. As in D4 except that these are facilities where patients usually attend for less than the equivalent of four half days per week.
D8.1: Non-acute, Non-work structured care, Low intensity, Health-related care. As in D4.1 except that these are facilities where patients usually attend for less than the equivalent of four half days per week.
D8.2: Non-acute, Non-work structured care, Low intensity, Education-related care. As in D4.2 except that these are facilities where patients usually attend for less than the equivalent of four half days per week.
D8.3: Non-acute, Non-work structured care, Low intensity, Social and cultural related care. As in D4.3 except that these are facilities where patients usually attend for less than the equivalent of four half days per week.
D8.4: Non-acute, Non-work structured care, Low intensity, Other structured day care. As in D4.4 except that these are facilities where patients usually attend for less than the equivalent of four half days per week.
D9: Non-acute, Non-work structured care, Low intensity. As in D5 except that these are facilities where patients usually attend for less than the equivalent of four half days per week.
Facilities that provide beds overnight for patients for a purpose related to the clinical and social management of their long term care needs - patients are not intended to sleep there solely because they have no home or are unable to reach home.
R0: Acute, 24 hours physician cover, Non-hospital. On acute facilities (i) users are admitted because of a crisis, a deterioration of their physical or mental state, behaviour or social functioning which is related to their health condition,; (ii)admissions usually available within 24 hours; (iii) users usually retain their own accommodation during the admission. “24 hours physician cover” are facilities where there is 24-hour cover by a registered physician (including medical residents). Non-hospital facilities attend users outside the location of a registered hospital.
R1: Acute, 24 hours physician cover, Hospital, High intensity. As in R0 except that services are located in a registered hospital. Hospitals are meso-organisations with a legal recognition in most countries. Exceptions are units that have fewer than 20 beds and/or no 24-hour physician resident cover (these should be classified as non-hospital facilities even if they have the legal status of hospitals). In those countries where there is no legal basis for deciding what are hospital services and what are not and where doubt exists, services should be classified as hospital services if they have 24-hour resident physician cover. A stakeholder group and/or local or regional health officers should be consulted where there is doubt about which services should be viewed as hospital services or not. In these facilities, users are admitted due to a deterioration of their physical or mental status severe enough to require continuous surveillance during 24-hours a day, and/or to require special isolation measures.
R2: Acute, 24 hours physician cover, Hospital, Medium intensity. As in R1 except that provide regular care (medium intensity) of surveillance and/or security for in-patient admission.
R3: Acute, Non-24 hours physician cover. Acute residential facilities that do not meet criteria for 24hours physician cover.
R3.0: Acute, Non-24 hours physician cover, Hospital. Acute residential facilities that do not meet criteria for 24 hours physician cover and are located in a registered hospital.
R3.1: Acute, Non-24 hours physician cover, Non-hospital. Acute residential facilities that do not meet criteria for 24 hours physician cover and are located outside a registered hospital.
R3.1.1: Acute, Non-24 hours physician cover, Non-hospital, Health-related care. As in R3.1 except that the main goal of these facilities is the specific clinical care, during the period described by the code, and where some of the staff is qualified on health care (Psychology, Medicine, Physiotherapy, Nursing) or h as the equivalent training.
R3.1.2: Acute, Non-24 hours physician cover, Non-hospital, Other care. As in R3.1.1 except that these facilities do not meet criteria for health-related care.
R4: Non-acute, 24 hours physician cover, Hospital, Time-limited. Residential facilities that do not satisfy the criteria for acute care. These services are covered 24 hours for a physician and are located in a registered hospital. In these facilities a fixed maximum period of residence is routinely specified (temporary stay). A facility should be classified as time-limited if a maximum length of stay is fixed for at least 80% of those entering the facility.
R5: Non-acute, 24 hours physician cover, Non-hospital, Time-limited. As in R4 except that these facilities are usually located outside a registered hospital.
R6: Non-acute, 24 hours physician cover, Hospital, Indefinite stay. As in R4 except that these facilities do not fulfil the criteria for ‘time-limited’ services.
R7: Non-acute, 24 hours physician cover, Non-hospital, Indefinite stay. As in R5 except that these facilities do not fulfil the criteria for ‘time-limited’ services.
R8: Non-acute, Non-24 hours physician cover, Time-limited, 24-h support. Non-acute services that do not meet criteria for 24 hours physician cover. These facilities provide residential care during non working hours but there is a procedure that guarantees that the patient receives 24 hours care. A fixed maximum period of residence is routinely specified (temporary stay). A facility should be classified as time-limited if a maximum length of stay is fixed for at least 80% of those entering the facility.
R8.1: Non-acute, Non-24 hours physician cover, Time-limited, 24-h support, less than 4 weeks. As in R.8 except that these services specify a maximum period of residence of less than 4 weeks.
Non-acute, Non-24 hours physician cover, Time-limited, 24-h support, over 4 weeks. As in R.8 except that these facilities the maximum period of residence is over 4 weeks.
R9: Non-acute, Non-24 hours physician cover, Time-limited, Daily support. As in R5 except that in these facilities members of staff are regularly on site at least five days a week for some part of the day, with responsibilities related to the monitoring and clinical and social care of the user.
R9.1: Non-acute, Non-24 hours physician cover, Time-limited, Daily support, less than 4 weeks. As in R9 except that these facilities specify a maximum period of residence of less than 4 weeks.
R9.2: Non-acute, Non-24 hours physician cover, Time-limited, Daily support, over 4 weeks. As in R9 except that in these facilities the maximum period of residence is over 4 weeks.
R10: Non-acute, Non-24 hours physician cover, Time-limited, Lower support. As in R8 except that these are facilities where there is a direct link between residing in the facility and some support from staff, but where staff are regularly present fewer than five days per week.
R10.1: Non-acute, Non-24 hours physician cover, Time-limited, Lower support, less than 4 weeks. As in R10 except that these facilities specify a maximum period of residence of less than 4 weeks.
R10.2: Non-acute, Non-24 hours physician cover, Time-limited, Lower support, over 4 weeks. As in R10 except that in these facilities the maximum period of residence is over 4 weeks.
R11: Non-acute, Non-24 hours physician cover, Indefinite stay, 24-h support. As in R8 except that these facilities do not fulfil the criteria for ‘time-limited’ services.
R12: Non-acute, Non-24 hours physician cover, Indefinite stay, Daily support. As in R9 except that these facilities do not fulfil the criteria for ‘time-limited’ services.
R13: Non-acute, Non-24 hours physician cover, Indefinite stay, Lower support. As in R10 except that these facilities do not fulfil the criteria for ‘time-limited’ services.
R14: Other non-acute. Residential services not classified otherwise.
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The eDESDE-LTC Coding and Classification System, eDESDE-LTC Instrument, eDESDE-LTC Training Package and eDESDE-LTC website by eDESDE-LTC Consortium are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License