home > ABOUT eDESDE-LTC > Purpose


The general objective of the project is to develop an operational system for coding, mapping and comparing services for Long-Term Care (eDESDE-LTC) across Europe in order to facilitate semantic interoperability in this field. The system includes 1) A standard classification and coding of main types of care for persons with long-term care needs (DESDE-LTC Coding), 2) An instrument for mapping and standard description of services (DESDE-LTC Schedule), 3) A training package (eDESDE-LTC training), and 4) this website.

Specific objectives

  • To develop a standard classification system to code services for LTC in Europe based on previous work (ESMS, DESDE)
  • To develop a related instrument (DESDE-LTC) that incorporates basic descriptors and indicators in 6 European languages.
  • To improve linkages between national and regional websites, and EU health portals and the development of the eDESDE-LTC website
  • To improve EU listing and access to relevant sources of healthcare information via development of a training package on SEMANTIC INTEROPERABILITY in eHEALTH (coding and listing of services for LTC)

Expected results

Improve semantic interoperability of information systems on Long-Term Care in Europe

The project will raise awareness and increase understanding on the problems of SEMANTIC INTEROPERABILITY on Long-Term Care service comparison across Europe among key stakeholders (EC officials, national health authorities, service researchers, main European users and umbrella organisations in this area).

Facilitate a classification system which can be used to code services for Long-Term Care across Europe

The project will allow key stakeholders (EC officials, national health authorities, service researchers, main European users and umbrella organisations in this area) to use a common terminology, classification and coding system. At midterm, a common nomenclature will facilitate entry of data in large health databases and international comparison. At long term, it will facilitate evidence-based planning. It will also facilitate bridging across two interest groups (ageing and disability).

Facilitate an instrument for assessing and services for Long-Term Care across Europe

The project will deliver an instrument for service research. At midterm, this instrument could be used across Europe for care comparison and evidence-based planning in LTC by experts and researchers in this field.

Facilitate patient mobility across Europe

At long term, a second stage of website development may incorporate a geographical information system (GIS) to locate LTC services across different European countries and provide service and accessibility information to European citizens. As an international nomenclature can be translated into local terms, citizens will be able to know and to compare services in the country of origin and services in the country of destination.


Refinement Project - Summary

Summary of the REFINEMENT project. Presents the aim, objectives and expected results of the project funded under EU European Union Seventh Framework P...more

Training courses on ESMS/DESDE coding

Two training courses on ESMS/DESDE coding were took place between 29 November and 2 December. The first in Verona, Italy and the second in Helsinki, F...more

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