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Justice care
Services which main aim is to provide crime & justice patients (security or prison hospitals, surveillance wards for patients under crime & justice custody, physical disability and psychiatric units in prisons and regional security units).
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Refinement Project - Summary
Summary of the REFINEMENT project. Presents the aim, objectives and expected results of the project funded under EU European Union Seventh Framework P...more
Training courses on ESMS/DESDE coding
Two training courses on ESMS/DESDE coding were took place between 29 November and 2 December. The first in Verona, Italy and the second in Helsinki, F...more
The eDESDE-LTC Coding and Classification System, eDESDE-LTC Instrument, eDESDE-LTC Training Package and eDESDE-LTC website by eDESDE-LTC Consortium are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License